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We at AMLAP Source Inc. are proud suppliers and sponsors to the First Nations for over 35 years. We consult and work together in order to achieve healthy and safe environments whether it be through mold remediation for your homes and other facilities, dust control for your roads within the Community, de-icers for your roads and walkways and odour control for your lagoons and water wastes.

We also have a variety of products in our catalogue under General Industry that you may require on your maintenance list. We look forward in helping you with your product needs!

We at AMLAP Source Inc. strive in bridging the gap between the public and private sector. We are open to Economic Development and joint ventures in First Nations Communities. We look forward in building a mutual and beneficial relationship for many years to come. AMLAP Source Inc. is very much involved in giving back to the Communities through charities and fundraisers such as Pow Wows and Treaty days, as well as sponsorship of local sports teams. We also support the youth, our future, through continuing education and the respected elders through providing a healthier and safer environment in the community. We look forward in discussing the above at your earliest convenience.

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